Testimonials for Jerusalem Dentist, Dr. Ari Greenspan

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Dear Dr. Greenspan, We are writing with a heart full of thanks to express gratitude for the sensitivity and caring you showed our daughter Leah yesterday. She is so mature and capable and yet all alone in a foreign country, feeling quite vulnerable. From what she described, you showed her, and us, that among brothers, we are never really alone. Thank you also for checking her out and advising her how to deal with her pain. She was uncomfortable for a long time, and we are grateful to you for guiding her. May you be zoche to continue practicing for many many more years, showering kindness along the way. Good Shabbos. Chana and Abbi Biegeleisen
Regards, Chana Biegeleisen


He saved my tooth. EUREKA!

Dear Ari

After some time has passed, just a short note to thank you again for the great work you did with my teeth: The crowns are really great and I basically manage to forget about them in daily life. 

So: thanks not just for the superb professionalism, but, above all, for your wonderful patience 🙂 

Hope all is well at your end. 



“I finally found a good dentist in Jerusalem”

Retired Dentist  for 50 Years Amazed By Our Technology

” I would rather give birth than visit the dentist!! “

March 29, 2013 Even though he’s more than 6000 miles away, I want to share the page of the best dentist408549_10151472814608793_717560576_n in the world, Ari Greenspan, who took care of my family while we were in Jerusalem as our jerusalem dentist. He’s always up to date on the latest in research, plus he is the on-call doc for the Jerusalem Zoo-treating the tigers and the monkeys teeth! 🙂 best of all, he uses his time off to travel to 3rd world countries on medical missions to treat those in need. A righteous and compassionate man who loves G-d… Dr. Ari, I miss you!!! Chuck King Fearful Patient Video Testimonial December 17th 2012 I just had my teeth whitened by Dr. Greenspan and I am absolutely delighted! My teeth look instantly whiter and fresher and Dr. Greenspan is extremely skilled, professional, attentive, and overall wonderful! Can’t recommend it enough. – Name Withheld RF December 2012 It’s amazing that you can squeeze new teeth out of a tube into a mold, bond them to the adjacent teeth and they hardened in minutes so you could polish them,  They look as natural as my real teeth.  Best of all it’s pain free and faster and much cheaper than implants.  Thanks. Norm Kreger November 9th 2012 Dear Ari, We all wanted to thank you for the wonderful work you did on our Jerusalem dentist, Dr. Ari Greenspan daughter in law’s teeth after her fall, and for understanding what it meant for her, and therefore for all of us. You were great!!!! Hamon todos, mi kol ha’lev, All the freunds in tekoa Dec,28th, 2008 Dear Dr. Greenspan, I am still in the process of fixing things step by step. I would like to inform you that besides for friends and family, every dentist and specialist that I have been seen by so far, has commented and complimented the outstanding work you have done. It was the happiest day of my life – I got engaged. That night, I fell directly on my teeth, causing my front top teeth to crush. What could be a worse nightmare? I felt horrible; both physically and emotionally. You were available to answer our calls at 4am and immediately got to work on me as soon as possible. Within one hour, with a root canal and cosmetic work, my beautiful smile was back. I confidently highly recommend you as an excellent dentist. Thank You so much. Sarah O (Florida)

sari before sari after

February 2009 We have been in Israel three times in our life. The last two times with the main reason for dentist treatments. – But do you not have dentists in Norway? some will say. Yes we have dentists in Norway, but we know the best one is in Israel dentist 🙂 Did you know that? We are so glad and satisfied. Ari knows what he is doing. He is in control of the situation and the whole operation! And we are glad to tell it to others. Let Ari and his staff take the tasks – and be satisfied! That is our good recommendation. It is a pleasure to have been there. Best regards Kaare and Randi Walde (Norway)

testimonials Jerusalem Dentist Dr. Ari Greenspan__________________________________________________

Dear Ari, It was good seeing you last week. It is so meaningful to me to have a Jerusalem dentist that I go to when I visit Israel. In fact, you are my primary dentist. Your work (and that of your other clinicians) is fantastic. Thank you. Dasee (New York)


February 2009 One of the things I’m sure to do when I visit my family in Jerusalem once a year from Vancouver, B.C., is go to Jerusalem dentist, Dr. Greenspan’s office for a cleaning and a check-up. Since going to the dentist is very low on my list of things I love doing, it’s so nice to be able to go to a pretty and pleasant office in Jerusalem. Dr. Greenspan’s friendly and easy-going ways creates practically a relaxing atmosphere where normally it is difficult to do so. The other staff are always a pleasure to deal with as well. Thank you to Dr. Greenspan and the staff for making my dentist appointments as pleasant as possible! — Dasee Berkowitz JLife Consulting www.jlifeconsulting.com NYC,NY


May  30,2010 Thank you Hanni so much We are so grateful to you and Ari and your amazing office. And so appreciative of all of the care and professionalism that you extend…along with the wild stories of quail, red tuna, and more. Never a dull moment with Ari. So I got your message and confirm… We will be at your offices on June 16th at 8 am for Ari to do the first step of putting on the inner post. Then off we go to the lab in the city for A -1 color matching as he gets it all right with his Swedish enameled wizardry! Reminds me of a witch and her cauldron pot as she stirs and stirs to get the potion just right! And then back we come to your office at 12 20 for the final fit. Yippeeee!! We can not thank you enough for all of the care and hand holding. Jill   For general medical care see Dr Alexander King a board certified english speaking family doctor.

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